Fritz Frickel joins advisory board at Karus Therapeutics

Karus Therapeutics Ltd
Appointee name
Fritz Frickel

United Kingdom

Fritz Frickel, a life science veteran, has been appointed to a new eight-member scientific advisory board at Karus Therapeutics Ltd of the UK which is developing therapies for inflammatory disease and cancer. Dr Frickel was previously senior vice president for research and development and acting chief executive of Alantos Pharmaceuticals Holding Inc which was acquired by Amgen Inc in 2007. He has also held executive positions at Abbott Laboratories, BASF and Knoll Pharmaceuticals. The other members of the new board are James Bristol, Chris Reilly, Phill Hawkins, Len Stephens, Bart Vanhaesebroeck, Jeff Evans and Richard Groves.

Karus announced the scientific advisory board appointments on 9 April 2013.

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